peter huebner micro music laboratories |
M E D I C A L R E S O N A N C E T H E R A P Y M U S I C® |
R E D U C T I O N O F P S Y C H O – P H Y S I O L O G I C A L M A N I F E S T A T I O N S O F S T R E S S |
Scientific Studies and Clinical Observations
- Improved concentration: The performance had improved after 10 treatments with MRT-Music® by 18% on average.
- Improved learning ability: At the end of the 10 treatments clear changes in comparison to the beginning of the treatment had become obvious. This indicates a training effect with the Medical Resonance Therapy Music®, which probably will be of great value in chronic diseases.
- Improving auditory memory: The performance had improved after 10 treatments with MRT-Music® by 8,1% on average.
- Improving reaction precision: The performance had improved after 10 treatments with MRT-Music® by 18% on average.
- Improved visual short-term memory: The performance had improved after 10 treatments with MRT-Music® by 9,6% on average.
- Improved reaction speed: The performance had improved after 10 treatments with MRT-Music® by 18% on average.
- Enhanced psychomotoric speed: The performance had improved after 10 treatments with MRT-Music® by 9,6% on average.
- Improved visual-motoric co-ordination: The performance had improved after 10 treatments with MRT-Music® by 18% on average.
- Improvement of the mental state: The application of the Medical Resonance Therapy Music® Group were considered by the patients in 90% of the treatments as successful.
- Reducing irritability and improving composure: In addition to the conventional treatment with diet and insulin preparations the 30 children in this group listened to Medical Resonance Therapy Music® for ten days, each day in the resting hour between 13 and 14 hours using headphones and compact disc. 80% of them experienced in this way a significant reduction of their irritability and showed greater composure.
- Release of psycho-physiological manifestations of stress: The patients experienced very often a deep muscular relaxation combined with a sensation of warmth and with ease and sleepiness. Furthermore the symptoms “bad mood“, “lethargy“, “tension“ and “touchiness“ were significantly reduced or even completely released. Over and over again they reported of a release of stress, of the acquisition of distance from unpleasant things, the experience of gentleness, inner peace, a kind of freedom from care and a spiritual state of mind.
If you want to look at the studies in detail, please visit: