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The Cosmic
Education Program


Peter Hübner
Developer of the University



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Theoretical Fundamentals

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Astronomy of Mind EQ x IQ

Hall of Harmony

International Experts

Educational Program

Scientific Research

International Media

International Congresses


Application to the University



Universities, Research Institutions, Hospitals, Congresses, Symposiums, Trade Fairs
Research into Medical Resonance Therapy Music® has so far been carried out or presented to the professional public at the following universities, research institutions and hospitals, and at the following congresses, symposiums and medical and educational trade fairs:
Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Clinical Investigation, Kiel
Congress: Active at an Advanced Age, Berlin
Bielefeld Health Days
Bio-Fach, Frankfurt
Biomedicina, Halle
Surgeons' Congress, Mannheim
Surgeons' Congress, Nürnberg
German Medical Doctors’ Congress, Berlin
German Congress for Perinatal Medicine, Berlin
German MTA-Congress, Mannheim
German Therapy Week, Karlsruhe
Didacta, Düsseldorf
DIVI – German Interdisciplinary Congress for Intensive-Care-Medicine, Hamburg
Euromed – Medical Fair and Congress, Leipzig
Expopharm – German Pharmacists’ Day, Leipzig
Expopharm – German Pharmacists’ Day, Düsseldorf
Expopharm – German Pharmacists’ Day, München
Expopharm – German Pharmacists’ Day, Köln
Frankfurt Book Fair
Spring Conference Psychosomatic Dermatology,
   Special Hospital Schloß Friedensburg, Thuringian Forest

Health Euregio, Aachen
Health Fair, Siegen
Skin and Soul – Conference for Psychosomatic Dermatology, Leutenberg
Heidelberg Dopplercongress for Gynecologists
Healing by the Senses –
   Conference of the Medical Doctors’ Society for Empirical Medicine, Baden-Baden

Intensive Care Day, Augsburg
Interspa – International Fair for Physical Therapy, Stuttgart
Interbiologica, Wiesbaden
Interfab, Nürnberg
International Conference on Nursing Theories, Nürnberg
International Congress on Pre– and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine, Jerusalem
International Congress on Medicine for the Performing Arts, Jerusalem
International Congress for Biological Cancer Resistance, Heidelberg
International Conference on Society, Stress and Health, Moscow –
   in Cooperation with the World Health Organisation (WHO)

7th International Montreux Congress on Stress
8th International Montreux Congress on Stress
9th International Montreux Congress on Stress
International Spine-Congress, Mainz
International Spine-Congress, Salzburg
INTERSCHUL – European Education Fair, Dortmund
INTERSCHUL – European Education Fair, Hannover
INTERSCHUL – European Education Fair, Stuttgart
INTERSCHUL – European Education Fair, Berlin
Annual Conference for Clinical Psychology in Rehabilitation Hospitals,
   Professional Association of German Psychologists, Bad Wildungen

Annual Conference for Cardio-Vascular Research, Mannheim
Annual Conference of the German Society for Psychosomatic Obstetrics and
   Gynaecology, Freiburg

Annual Conference of the Society for Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Berlin
Annual Conference Natum – German Association for Gynaecology und
    Obstetrics, Hanau

Annual Conference of the North-German Pediatric Association
Annual Conference of the South-German Association for Pediatrics and
    Youth Medicine

Annual Conference of the West-German Otolaringologists, Bonn
Annual Conference of the German Association for Natural Healing
Kiga – Fair for Kindergartens, Berlin
Kiga – Fair for Kindergartens, Düsseldorf
Congress of the German Society for Surgery, München
Congress of the German Society for Narcolepsy, Wuppertal
Congress of the German Society for Prenatal Medicine and Birth Medicine, Bonn
Congress for Patient Care in Internal Medicine, Wiesbaden
Congress of the Central Association for Natural Healing Methods, Freudenstadt
Leipzig Book Fair
MEDICA, Düsseldorf
Medical Week Heidelberg
Medical Week Baden-Baden
MEDIZIN – Fair for Medical Technology, Pharmaceutics and Clinic Supply, Stuttgart
Meditec, Magdeburg
Medivital, Berlin
Münster Anaesthesia-Symposium
Days for Natural Healing, Würzburg
Naturvita, Dortmund
Neuroendocrinology – Quid Novi?, Tübingen
OEKO, Zürich
Paracelsus-Fair – Wels
Paracelsus-Fair – Wiesbaden
Paracelsus-Fair – Freiburg
Paracelsus-Fair – Wien
SANA, Bologna
Pro-Sanitas, Stuttgart
Pro Senior, Halle
Salveo, Leipzig
Southwest German Day of Anaesthesia, Karlsruhe
Symposium German-Austrian Society for Neonatalogy und Pediatric
    Intensive Care Medicine, Berlin

Days of the German Society for Internal Medicine, Wiesbaden
Days of the German Society for Narcolepsy
Conference of the North-Rhine-Westfalian Society for Gynaecology und
   Obstetrics, Essen

Conference of the Saxon Society for Gynaecology und Obstetrics, Dresden
Vital, Berlin
Well-Fair, Wien
Science-Nutrition-Health, Solothurn
Science-Nutrition-Health, St. Gallen
Scientific Annual Conference of the German Society for Prevention and
    Rehabilitation for Cardio-Vascular Diseases, Rotenburg

Scientific Annual Conference of the German Society for Prevention and KIGA
World Congress of the International Society of Medical Hydrology and Climatology –
    the World Congress of Health Resort Medicine, Bad Wörrishofen

World DIDAC, Basel
Future Age, Aachen
Anokhin Institute for Normal Physiology, Moskau
Research Institute for Endocrinology and Metabolism, Kiev
Research Institute for Gerontology, Kiev
Research Institute for Neurosuergery, Kiev
Research Institute for Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaekology, Kiev
University for Music and Dance, Jerusalem
University for Music and Dance, Kazan
Institute for Stress Research, Berlin
Medical Academy of Sciences Ukraine
Medical University Minsk
Medical Academy of Sciences Russia
University Heidelberg
University Köln
University Leipzig
University Magdeburg
University Ulm
University Tel Aviv
University Tübingen
University Hospital Essen
Diana Klinik, Bad Bevensen
Protestant Forest Hospital, Berlin
Protestant Hospital Oberhausen
Specialised Hospital Dr. Evers, Langscheidt
Specialised Hospital Castle Friedensburg, Leutenberg
Children’s Hospital Hoyerswerda
Hospital Neubrandenburg
Hospital Nürnberg
Hospital Nr. 3 in Minsk
Hospital am Urban, Berlin
Migraine Hospital Dr. Brandt, Königstein
Niedersachsen Hospital, Bad Nenndorf
Preyer’sches Children’s Hospital, Wien
Reha-Hospital, Schwaan
Sanatorium Max Uibeleisen, Bad Kissingen
St. Sixtus Hospital, Haltern
St. Vinzenz Hospital, Mainz
The Fetus as Patient & Fetal Cardiology, Amsterdam
Third International Conference of Bioenergetic Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Third International Congress of the World Health Organization for
    Prenatal Education, Rome

University of Peking, PR China
University of Tienjin, PR China
University of Shanghai, PR China
Annual Conference of the International Pavlov-Society, New York, USA
11th International Congress on Stress, Hawai
Taiwan Medical Exhibition
Taiwan Pharmaceutical Exhibition
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Medical Music Preparations on CD
RRR 932 General Stress Symptoms
General Stress Symptoms

RRR 101 Vital Energy
Vital Energy

RRR 103 Hormone and Immune System
Disorders of the
Hormone & Immune System

If you like to look at the complete program,
if you like to listen to the Medical Music Preparation or
if you want to download it,
please click on the CD-cover above.

If you click on the title, it will lead you to the
scientific research.