peter huebner micro music laboratories |
M E D I C A L R E S O N A N C E T H E R A P Y M U S I C® |
R E D U C T I O N O F P S Y C H O – P H Y S I O L O G I C A L M A N I F E S T A T I O N S O F S T R E S S |
Scientific Studies and Clinical Observations
- Faster insulin process stabilization in children with diabetes: 64% of a group of diabetic children experienced a 2-3-day faster process stabilization than the children in the control group
- Reduced irritability and greater composure in 80% of a group of children with diabetes, compared to no change in the control group
- Significant reduction in severe dizziness in 81% of a group of female diabetes patients
- Faster adaptability to the new condition in children with diabetes who received insulin for the first time: 64% of a group of diabetes children adapted more quickly to their new condition than those in the control group
- Reduced irritability, improved emotional stability and greater composure in 81% of a group of female diabetes patients
- Significant reduction in headaches in 80% of a group of children with diabetes, compared to no appreciable reduction in the control group
- Reduction in sleeping disorders in 81% of a group of female diabetes patients
- Reduction of headaches in 81% of a group of female diabetes patients
If you want to look at the studies in detail, please visit: