Alexei V. Shemagonov, M.D.
Valentina N. Sidorenko, M.D., Ph.D.
Belorussian State Medical Institute for Postgraduate Education
3, P.Brovki Str., Minsk 220714 Belarus
Mother and Child Health Institute of the Ministry of Health
Orlovskaya St., 66. Minsk 220000 Belarus
After fast Fourier transformation we registered four groups of peaks on the SSO
spectra, divided into four rhythms:
- 0.01 – 0.02Hz
- 0.02 – 0.033Hz
- 0.06 – 0.09 Hz
- 0.091 – 0.15 Hz and
an intermediate diapason of
0.034 – 0.059 Hz.
There are numerous intracerebral nuclei originating vasomotoric nerves, for instance, hypothalamus nuclei, locus coeruleus, substantia nigra, periaqueductal nuclei, etc. Various types of mediators are implicated in the creation of vasomotoric impulses [4,5]. Undoubtedly, such a complex autonomous tonus regulation of cerebral arteries may scarcely be adjusted pharmacologically in a simple way.
But how can we modify an activity of the cerebral vasomotoric nuclei? Are there any alternative methods except chemical drugs?
In 1964 the classical composer and musicologist Peter Huebner started to perform research into the microcosm of music.
Most of the periodic processes in nature as well as in human organism are under the influence of the law of harmony. As chronomedicine shows even many processes considered to be sporadic are actually periodic. Finding the harmony law of human brain activity and correcting undesirable or “disharmonious” rhythms is a possible way to relieve some psychosomatic illnesses and some neurological diseases.
To investigate the effects of MRT-Music® upon the autonomous innervation of cerebral arteries we decided to study the so called slow spontaneous oscillations of cerebral blood flow (SSO).
What are SSO?
The aim of our study was to elucidate whether MRT-Music® can affect tonus and functioning of the cerebral arteries via their autonomous innervation.
Patients and Methods

In both groups of patients transcranial Doppler showed no evidences of occlusive and stenotic arterial diseases. All the patients have revealed the slow spontaneous oscillations of peak and mean velocities. After the fast Fourier transformation we have seen several groups of peaks on the SSO spectra (Fig.1.), which may be divided into four rhythms A,B,C, D and intermediate diapason (Tabl.1.)
Frequency of A- and B-diapasons corresponds to well known B-waves. Frequency of D- and C-diapasons corresponds to the above mentioned M-waves. Intermediate diapason lies between B- and C-diapasons. Amplitude of peaks in the A- and B-diapasons prevails over the other peaks. Spectral analysis of the SSO has shown changes between initial and final peaks amplitude in all patients, where reduction of peaks in C-diapason during the MRT-Music® listening was statistically significant in contrast to A-, B- and D-rhythms. (Fig.2.; Table 2.) No significant changes in heart rate, breath rate and blood pressure level have been revealed while transcranial Doppler monitoring. Moreover, the patients complaining of headache before the MRT-Music® course had a headache relief after.
Since it is not quite clear what the pace-maker of SSO rhythms is, we consider that the Medical Resonance Therapy Music® affects the functioning of some brain structures concerning the autonomous nervous system.
It is possible that the MRT-Music® affects these structures by means of cortex activity regulation. Our previous study revealed augmentation of C-rhythm during smoking. Taking into account the activation of sympathetic nervous system during smoking we suppose that the C-rhythm increase is a sequela of imbalance between parasympathetic and sympathetic innervation and predominance of the sympathetic activity.
In contrary to nicotine the MRT-Music® induces the modification in the opposite direction.
Thus, we cautiously suppose that the MRT-Music® affect the autonomous regulation of the cerebral vessels as non-pharmacological sympatholythic. The MRT-Music® regulates the tonus of the cerebral vessels by means of strengthening of equilibrium between the parasympathetic or sympathetic activity. Taking into account the significance of the imbalance of the autonomous nervous system in some neurological diseases, especially in some forms of headache, the MRT-Music® may be widely used in clinical practice. Moreover, registration of the SSO is a useful tool to explain positive effects of the MRT-Music® and to prove the influence of the MRT-Music® upon the autonomous regulation of cerebral vessels.
Further investigations are needed to clarify MRT-Music® effects on the SSO. We are also going to try various types of the MRT-Music® courses for the SSO and to compare them with some pharmacological tests.
- The slow spontaneous oscillations may represent an equilibrium in a cerebral part of autonomous nervous system concerning an innervation of the cerebral arteries.
- The Medical Resonance Therapy Music® affects the functioning of the brain structures concerning the autonomous nervous system.
- The MRT-Music® works as a non-chemical sympatholythic.
- Registration of slow spontaneous oscillations is a useful tool to explain positive effects of the MRT-Music® and to prove the influence of the MRT-Music® upon the autonomous regulation of the cerebral vessels.
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Gistofiziologia sosudistykh mekhanizmov mozgovogo krovo'obraschienia.
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Triangle 18:89-99.
- Alexei V. Shemagonov, M.D.
Belorussian State Medical Institute for Postgraduate Education,
3, P.Brovki Str., Minsk 220714 Belarus
- Valentina N. Sidorenko, M.D., Ph.D.
Mother and Child Health Institute of the Ministry of Health
Orlovskaya St., 66. Minsk, 220000 Belarus.