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Such a person recognizes, for instance, from his own authentic experience – among other things – that and how all of his neurophysological functions are substantially controlled electronically. That is why Beethoven, to the delight of many of his colleagues, states:

“I am of an electric nature,
and that is why I make such magnificent music!”

Beethoven bases this quality of his music on these electronic processes, particularly in terms of ability to authentically recognize them,– indeed, he identifies with them.
Also, Acupuncture is based on this capability of cognition.

Most people have, here and there, had the experience that at night, in bed, they felt an electrical impulse in their spine and thought they were falling out of bed because of it.
What the average Joe knows to be an exceptional experience under special conditions, the person who has developed a higher state of consciousness knows to be his own nature, or the nature of his body, of his neurophysiology, like Beethoven did; but his experience is one that is much more differentiated and precise and longer lasting than only an impulse in the spine.

In the future, it will be possible to verify scientifically-objectively the ability of cosmic cognition as precisely as hitherto the very limited ability of cognition in the first three states of consciousness, which I would like to call “earthly capability of cognition” here.

But just like the present ability of cognition and the thinking connected to it and the neurophysiological processes tied to it could so far only be verified by scientists who had only the three first states of consciousness and/or authentically knew them, in the same way the further states of consciousness will only be verifiable by scientists who have developed these states within themselves.
Otherwise, there may not be anything to be criticized regarding these tests, but the scientists themselves continue to be pure speculators as long as they lack the personal experience.

Going on:
From so-called cosmic consciousness on in the direction of still higher states of consciousness, the tables between neurophysiology and mind will be turned and it will become increasingly clear that while the interdependence of “thinking and brain and/or neurophysiological processes” still remains, one will have to learn to express a new idea, that of the brain and/or the processes in the brain being a function of the thinking.
So now, here is exactly the opposite situation when compared to the first three states of consciousness, where one still correctly finds that thinking is a function of the brain.

This reversal of relations in the interdependence of brain and thinking on the way to cosmic consciousness is already being prepared by transcendental consciousness – you could also say here that thinking gains the power over the processes of the brain and perfects them systematically and specifically by the experience of the transcendence – and along with the processes of the brain all neurophysiological processes as well.
The objective scientific investigations and medical results of the application of the harmony laws of the microcosm of music in Medical Resonance Therapy Music® testify to this.

The scientific-medical investigations indeed verify objectively that the experience of the transcendence from within this “absolute now” affects the comprehensive improvement of health in a natural way – if the cosmic cognitive ability, that “eye of the soul” as Socrates called it, has settled, at least for a certain time, beyond space and time in the realm of nothingness from which everything is created, albeit through utilization of the cognitive ability its cognitive light altering the pitch-dark deep sleep into the bright transcendental consciousness, enlightening it.

Now we too begin to understand why Socrates and Plato spoke so strongly on behalf of such a training of this cosmic “eye of the soul,” the intellect.

“There is an eye of the soul.
With It alone you can see the truth.”

“To be able to bring to the soul
the only lasting happiness.”

“The sciences should only be taught inasmuch
as they contribute to aligning the soul with the higher existence,
with the eternally true ideas.
Only when they do this, they should be taught.”

“The sciences should contribute everything,
which forces the soul to turn towards
where the most blissful of all being can be found,
which it simply must behold.”

This, by the way, is the state of cognition, which every natural scientist has to take in when he wants to talk competently in public about Einstein’s relativity theory or about the theory of quantum mechanics.
A blind person regurgitating the picture description of someone who can see does not gain the ability of vision by this, and his audience even less; he can’t help but take up the position of Einstein or Planck or Heisenberg, all of whom have reported their authentic experiences from that position where one is able to have a cosmic vision and/or a cosmic cognition. Then he is also able to explain it to a six-year-old child; otherwise he will have to develop formulas at the blackboard that none of the students can understand, because the professor himself does not know by own authentic experience what he is speculating about.

“He who is not able
to explain something to a six years old child
has not understood it himself.”
Albert Einstein

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